
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Adults in the Room

EPR-radar8/18/2020 5:51:41 pm PDT

re: #43 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I cannot bite my tongue any longer on this and I don’t want to deal with the firehose that would come from getting political on Twitter.

Dear Far Left on Twitter:

Maybe the DNC is “courting Republicans” (as you put it) because they actually reliably show up at the polls to vote.

A Voter

I can actually see both sides of this argument. There’s something to be said for the Democrats making a play for the mushy middle by having some Republicans speak at the D convention.

However, damn near every Republican alive today has contributed to the creation of the monster that Trump is, so I don’t want that important fact getting lost in both-sides pap. Plus there’s the fact that too many in the Democratic Party want to go ever further to the right to chase the mushy middle and that really shouldn’t be encouraged.