
Cory Wong: "Bluebird" (Feat. Chris Thile)

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce8/14/2021 5:26:29 pm PDT

Only two and a half weeks until every upstanding citizen, every delusional lunatic, every belligerent drunk, every gang banger, every wannabe Rambo, every scorned lover with nothing left to lose, every fratboy show-off, every panicky paranoid, every self-appointed “neighborhood watchman”, and every other gun owner in Texas is legally allowed to carry their guns without a permit, or a proficiency test, or a background check. I’m sure it will all be fine and there will be no unintended consequences.

I’m not at all ‘anti-gun’, and I’m reluctantly in favor of people being able to carry concealed IF PROPERLY VETTED AND TRAINED. But we in Texas no longer give a shit about personal responsibility, it seems.