
Pat Buchanan Defends Sarah Palin's Birther Pandering

Bob Levin12/04/2009 8:32:59 pm PST

Okay Charles, point taken. But it’s not so much of a point as it is a very wide net. And Buchanan was on MSNBC with Matthews. It’s almost as if American Politics is really just one big Truman Show.

Regarding the general question of pandering—it’s how you raise money. The rest of us just vote, those with a cause will contribute money. Sarah is a very ambitious person, wants to raise lots of money, and she’s saying the things that those who will give her money want to hear.

So what’s real? You have Sarah Palin saying two things, Pat Buchanan defending her, saying three things, all on a very partisan liberal network, with an almost conspiracy minded liberal host…there really isn’t anyway of knowing what’s real. But it’s easy to see what’s wrong.