
LGF on Alan Colmes Show

Killgore Trout12/11/2009 4:58:23 pm PST

re: #32 SteveMcG

Can somebody help me wrap my brain around something? I’m sitting here listening to my Mother in Law gripe about Tiger Woods and all of a sudden she start complianing that she wishes Obama would admit he’s black! Oh yeah, and Michelle makes everybody call her madam. Is there a new tea party theme I’m missing?

There’s a strong racial element to the Tea Party thing a,d it’d becoming more evident on right wing sites like Hot Air. Pajamas Media posted a review of the new film about Nelson Mandela today called Clint Eastwood’s Invictus: A Colossal Bore

Attracted comments like these…

I often wonder why some White People feel the need to bow down to Africans, and it isn’t because of the history of slavery either, since the Moslem Arabs enslaved far more African Blacks than the Western Whites ever dreamed of, and held them in far more degrading and disgusting conditions than an Alabama plantation owner would ever have thought of.

And all those who somehow still believe that the end of Apartheid was the dawning of freedom for South African Blacks almost certainly don’t live there and have never visited the place either.
Nelson Mandela and his former wife Winnie, were world class haters of Jews and Whites, and used murder and torture to enforce discipline among African National Congress followers as well as to aggrandize themselves.