
Rep. Weiner Tells Friends He Will Resign

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance6/16/2011 9:27:51 am PDT

re: #45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

the only scorn I have for Weiner is that A) he folded and resigned and B) he should have known that what happens on the internet does not always stay on the internet.

The scorn I have for Vitter (and republicans in general) is that they proclaim themselves the party of morality and “family values” (whatever the hell that means). Then in private they go and wind up screwing hookers while wearing diapers and cheating on their wives. Or they wind up soliciting gay sex in mens’ restrooms. To use a twist on the old “It’s the economy stupid!” i have to say “It’s the hypocrisy stupid”.

Of course I also disagree with their 18th/19th century agenda as well, but that’s another story.