
Pamela Geller Attacks Victims of Oslo Terrorist

Killgore Trout7/31/2011 4:24:41 pm PDT

re: #38 CuriousLurker

Variations on this theme are making the rounds. It appears to be the new narrative. From Barry Rubin, whose blog I have see links to with some regularity in the LGF Pages. Added emphasis is mine:

So there’s no justification for the attacks whatsoever, and no one is blaming the victims, but if it wasn’t for the radical nationalist and/or Islamist terrorists and their Western enablers, then…?

Damn, It’s sad to see that in the Israeli press. I would think they’d have more sense to distance themselves from the pro-Israel aspect of the attack instead of embracing. The guy was an antisemite himself. This is all so glaringly stupid.