
GOP Leaders Urge Bernanke to Keep Unemployment High

Targetpractice9/21/2011 11:10:20 am PDT

re: #45 dragonfire1981

I might also add that I believe part of the reason Obama hasn’t completely and publicly blown his top at Republicans yet is because he knows that by doing so he’d be playing right into their hands.

They’ve worked hard to build him up as a scary, anger-filled, unstable black man and a public outburst by Obama would be nothing but red meat for them.

Which is rather asinine, because that the dynamic, willful Obama is who people elected. Not this milquetoast in a suit, whose biggest worry is appearing to be the “adult in the room” rather than a decisive leader. There was a recent bump in Obama’s approval numbers, right after he gave his jobs speech. Why? Because he wasn’t there, looking timid, playing the “go along to get along” game. He was giving a hard-charging speech, looking for action, and that’s what voters respond to.