
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) Says Double Amputee Veteran Not a 'True Hero'

jamesfirecat7/03/2012 11:57:37 am PDT

re: #52 Gus

Joe Walsh’s disgust for our veterans’ sacrifices knows no bounds. First, he falsely and maliciously claims that Tammy Duckworth, a veteran who lost her legs in Iraq didn’t have much of a record of service. Now, he denigrates that same American hero for talking about how her experience shaped her worldview and strengthened her resolve to serve even more – a conversation that isn’t just legitimate to have, but crucial as America charts its course domestically and internationally. This is a new low for this deadbeat dad. Telling a veteran to shut up on the 4th of July is beyond the pale. We are past the point of calling on Joe Walsh to apologize. He should step aside and and stop embarrassing his district and America.
Vote Vets

Isn’t today the 3rd of July?

Not that I’m defending this guy in any way shape or form, but it is the third of July isn’t it? Because if today isn’t the 3rd of July, I need to go find a Delorian real soon…