
Kilmeade Asks Little Girls if Government Built Their Lemonade Stand

Buck7/25/2012 6:35:34 am PDT

re: #51 Obdicut

Nope, I’m not talking about roads and bridges or an education. For the purposes of this argument, I’ll grant the obvious untruth that everyone has equal access to those things.

So go ahead and name someone who succeeded solely because of themselves.

Again it would be useless, as we have a different understanding of what the phrase “succeeded solely because of themselves” means. You can always find something that you feel made them successful.

Otherwise my answer is all of them. Including you. Whatever you want to name that made you successful, I will simply reply that whatever that was, if it was done to or given to someone else, it would not mean that they would be successful. It was your brains and hard work that made you stand out. There are a lot of people who could have been given the same things you were, and still they might have failed.