
GOP Debate Thread 4: Cleaning Up the Clown Mess

Timothy Watson12/16/2015 10:05:17 am PST
But Buchanan’s favorite targets are what he calls neoconservatives (read: mainstream conservatives), who are “bent on reckless wars, global free trade and open borders.” In the latest issue of his magazine, Buchanan also weaves in his favorite anti-Semitic canard, that neocons are driven by concern for the Jews and want “to conscript American blood to make the world safe for Israel.” “We believe the great conservative movement has been hijacked and put into services that would appall the Founding Fathers,” Buchanan told the Washington Times in an interview about the magazine. “Neocons are the useful idiots of the liberal establishment,” Buchanan reiterated in his Dec. 30, 2002, column.

-Ben Shaprio, March 12, 2003