
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

I am smarter than you8/14/2009 7:54:35 pm PDT

re: #529 iceweasel

I certainly hope you’ll be devoting time to the primacy of 0, not neglecting to note that while a number divided by 1 can ever only be itself (thus typifying the selfishness of the phallocentric), 0 reduces everything to itself. The Kali, Creator/Destroyer, Mother archetype.

But something so obvious would surely not be overlooked in any seminal— or rather, ovular— treatment of your topic.

Yes! The fact that division by the number one has been “taught” to not change the numerator represents the systemic repression of stealth phaloocentrism. Do you think the number “8” feels un affected of having been divided by the shaft-like “1”? Only a male oriented thinker would ignore what is , in fact, a numerical rape.

And the concept of “division” itself should be suspect. Why must we divide? Is this itself not a male impulse? Does Gaia divide? No - she welcomes all into a borderless realm of bounty.