
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

researchok7/19/2011 5:20:31 am PDT

re: #550 Obdicut

I’m kind of lost at what you’re saying. I’m not saying he’s being blamed for anything.

Yes. And his response is the two-faced one that he has full faith in Mr. Yates but it was all Mr. Yates’ information that led him to conclude the original investigation was just fine, and then, when the Guardian began publishing new stories, that there was nothing about the original investigation that warranted anything more.

He’s refusing to take, or to place, responsibility, except in the most sideline way, but repeating that Mr. Yates, Mr. Yates, Mr. Yates was responsible for all his information, but claiming he has full faith in him.

Wasn’t that Yates job, to provide Stephenson with information?