
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

Walter L. Newton1/25/2009 12:14:44 pm PST

re: #544 Iron Fist

The “preparing rooms” quote references His (Jesus’) Father’s (i.e. God’s) House (Source). I’ve never heard anyone, anywhere, of any faith or lack of faith that professed to believe that God resided in Hell.

He died and went to Hades, Geheanna, the one and only words that we use for hell.

This is not a problem with scripture, this is a problem with Christianity which teaches a burning hell, and then can’t reconcile the language and concepts with early 1st century concepts of the GRAVE.

So, you got yourself a big problem that you have to twist and turn to explain.

The plain meaning of scripture is he went to the grave for three days. And anywhere else Hades (or Sheol in the hebrew scriptures) is used, the term simply means grave, not some burning place of punishment.