
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

capitalist piglet5/05/2009 5:22:06 pm PDT

re: #519 avanti

One is a creationist, with demons that needed to be driven out, the other used a local church to organize his political career.

Just when I thought I was out…/thegodfather

First of all, you’ve yet to prove the casting out of demons business, which I asked for upthread. You can’t just throw out a wild charge like that, without at least providing an opportunity to refute it, or put it in some kind of reasonable context (for instance, someone might pray for God’s protection over someone - which is quite different than the tie-them-down-pea-soup-vomiting exorcism image you’re advancing).

Secondly, what you seem to be saying is that his deliberate, calculated fraud is preferable to her sincere belief. You don’t know who he really is, but the one you fear is that one who is honest about who she is.

If that’s where you want to place your trust, that’s your business - but I find it incredibly foolish.

I really have to go, but I’ll check back for the Palin-as-Linda-Blair proof later this evening.