
Glenn Beck, Ron Paul, and the Truthers

iceweasel9/05/2009 2:07:15 pm PDT

re: #536 Big Steve

One of the the things I am trying really hard to do is simply not go to sites that are total FAILs. This is very hard because I am naturally curious to what opposites have to say. So it is hard to do. And it encourages sites when they get traffic no matter how short you stay. In fact I have removed the DailyKOS from my favorites and have just refused to even peek at them for this reason.

The real problem is that there are no longer any sane blogs on the right. This place is the lone voice of reason for the centre right, and that’s why we’re seeing them go Full Metal Wingnut on Charles for calling out Beck, the Van Jones hysteria, and other assorted forms of lunacy.

I hate not having decent right blogs to read any more. They’ve all gone off the deep end.
I check memeorandum all the time and grab a random sampling of opinion from the right and left on everything. You might like doing that. At least it ensures diversity— even if there is no one on the right sane enough anymore to bookmark.