
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion11/18/2009 12:23:20 pm PST

OK can we cut with some of the more obtuse and asinine arguments here.

No one who isn’t an idiot, or purposely trying to get someone’s goat, thinks that having the trial in NYC will result in another terrorist attack during the trial.

Military Tribunals are fully within the Rule of Law. The GITMO detainees were all unlawful combatants captured by the US military on foreign soil. They were not US citizens either. The one who was, John Walker Lindh, was tried in a US civilian federal court. Neither the US Constitution or the Geneva Conventions apply to KSM or the GITMO detainees.

Waterboarding is not torture. Using psychology or attempts to frighten someone into answering questions is not torture. Causing them pain and physical harm is.

Nothing that KSM has said in custody will be admissible evidence in a civilian court of law and everyone here with more than 2 brain cells to rub together knows this well. A lot of evidence against him, including any confessions he made, will disappear in a puff of legal logic.

If a Republican president was doing this, I and most other Lizards here who are against it still would be. We are intellectually honest. If we weren’t we would be at the douche blog calling Obama hitler and ranting about every other nontroversy of the day.