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NJDhockeyfan5/03/2010 7:24:23 pm PDT

re: #537 Spare O’Lake

Good evening LGF.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it just a tad odd that the MSM keeps describing the Times Square shirt-changer as “white”; the perp as an “amateur” and a probable “lone wolf”; and various other terms which suggest that the bomber was not a jihadist? And is it just my imagination that, at the same time, MSM seems eager to discount repeated claims of responsibility by jihadist terror groups, particularly several from Pakistan?
I’m all for not rushing to judgement, but still, it smacks just a bit of PC to me.
Please tell me I’m wrong, and that MSM is not showing subtle signs of being in jihadi denial.

All I heard all day was the perp was white. Then I get home this evening and see this.

Authorities have identified the buyer of the SUV used in a failed Times Square terror attack and are seeking him as a potential suspect, two law enforcement officials said today.

The buyer is a man of Pakistani descent who recently traveled to Pakistan. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is at a sensitive stage.

The officials say the man is a Connecticut resident who paid cash weeks ago for the SUV parked in Times Square on Saturday and rigged with a crude propane-and-gasoline bomb.

Lets see how they spin that.