
Crack in the Far Right World

552 9:38:33 pm PDT

re: #545 b_sharp

The reason I asked is because that is what I understood WUB to be saying. Unfortunately what was said can be taken as being - ‘how stupid can you be to believe that’ - but my understanding was it was an expression of WUB’s inability to understand the reasoning.

Of course, I could be wrong, so we’ll have to see what he says about it.

Just for a point of understanding reine, some of us really do have difficulty in knowing when we are being insensitive or condescending. Our social skills are poorly defined or in some almost non-existent. Some of our brain wiring hasn’t passed inspection.

Well, I think you are correct, and WUB has already clarified it, and thus I did take it wrong.

But that particular phrasing - I’ve heard it and heard it and heard it from so many who intend it to mean “how can you be so stupid as to think … “, that my reaction to it is sort of programmed.