
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks1/16/2009 7:48:58 pm PST

re: #308 Davehm

If I were to believe that humans were made in the image of God I would treat and look at people a lot differently then if they were just animals.

Which really says a whole lot more about your personal character than it does about the character of anyone else. Folks who espouse such positions (as you have here) posses what I consider “situational ethics”.

If not for (the belief in) the presence of a judgmental Creator, and (the belief in) the threat of eternal damnation, what reason is there to behave in a way that is beneficial not only to society, but also to one’s own self? Why not act like an animal? Situational ethics.

There are a great many reasons why one should behave in a decent and respectful manner that benefits yourself and society at large, but if your faith is your only reason for you not to behave like a bloodthirsty beast, then I am grateful that you have whatever faith you have. Otherwise…

I watch my back quite carefully around people who talk like you, because I never know when they may be challenged with a “test of faith”, and fail.