
Friday Evening Music: XTC, 'The Disappointed'

Walter L. Newton9/11/2009 10:26:52 pm PDT

re: #536 iceweasel

hey walter—

Yep. See Charles’ 449.
The Census Bureau clearly stated they weren’t dropping them because of any suspicion of criminal activity. They dropped them out of a recognition that it would be the new fake outrage talking point.

ACORN was one of 30,000 partners; any organisation can be a partner, There will likely be 100K partners by the time registration closes (because that’s how many volunteered last time).

ACORN’s role in the Census was a volunteer one, an unpaid one, it did not involve taking the census or collecting data, and it was a minimal one.

But with people like Michelle Bachmann telling people not to fill out the census form at all, they recognised that the frothy fake outrage was going to damage the census itself.

I am getting tired of the Obama administration and our government agencies loosing their moral compass and caving in to the wacky right.

Van Jones was perfect for as the head of the “green jobs” office. Obama should have come right out and ask Van Jones to stay. But, no, they gave in to the wacky right.

And this ACORN thing, heck, Obama should have told the census agency that ACORN was one of the best partners they could have. But, no, they gave in to the wacky right.

And in that health care speech the other night, promising not to insure illegal aliens and not fund abortions. You know he is just caving in to the wacky right who don’t like contributing tax money to illegal aliens and abortions.

And why does he have to keep fudging the truth about employment. Hell, just tell the country that unemployment is going to skyrocket. The only reason he keeps saying his policies are working to stop job loss is because the wacky right keeps complaining about it.

What can the future hold? Watch him give in on cap and trade next, just to please the wacky right.