
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

captdiggs11/28/2009 1:07:29 pm PST

re: #550 Charles

What a stupid comment. There’s no “conspiracy theory.” The Bush administration kept the photos classified and did not release them to the public. This is something known as a “fact.”

You called it a “cover-up” in this post:

427 Charles Fri, Nov 27, 2009 9:50:45pm
re: #424 Gus 802

Disturbing and shameful. That a president would have suppressed such information. Ironically if it wasn’t released by the current administration it would have required a FOIA request.

Classified climate and geological information. That’s probably a first.

That’s right. This is a REAL cover-up,

“cover-up” would imply a conspiracy to hide information.

I don’t see a “cover-up” when the photos were distributed to scientists prior to the release to the public.