
Overnight Open Thread

Macha4/05/2010 11:11:07 am PDT


On the subject of Christians, I don’t know of any Christians who blow up themselves and others in the name of Christ. Do you? Are Christians commanded in the New Testament to slay infidels? Or, are we commanded to go forth and preach the Gospel?

I don’t know of any who blow up themselves either. But I’ve met plenty who are willing to blow up, beat up, burn at the stake, torture and inflict psychological damage on anyone else in their path as a way of going forth to preach the gospel. It continues to this day. IMO there is very little difference between radical fundamentalist Christians and other radical fundamentalist religions. I’m Pagan, Wiccan to be specific, and there are plenty of “good Christians” out there who think I should be the subject of their next bar-b-cue.
I stay in the broom closet where I live. Anyone who thinks that there really is freedom of religion in this country, better think again.