
Overnight Video: President Obama's Speech in Newtown

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/17/2012 10:02:07 am PST

You know, people like Dobson like to claim that it’s our “lack of God” that causes these. Perhaps the “good doctor” would like to explain why the Middle Ages were so violent. It was a much more religious time than it is today and religion was a huge part of society. Perhaps Dobson wants to bring back the Inquisition and the execution of anyone who is not in his eyes a true Christian. Newsflash. The problem isn’t a lack of God. It’s that an obviously disturbed young man had access to some very high powered weapons. I don’t care if he was raised by outright Satanists. That’s a bigger problem and to not acknowledge that is pathetic.