
Gorgeous Animated Short Film of the Day: 'Rocketboy'

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS12/31/2014 8:57:58 am PST

re: #552 WhatEVs

Not me. A number of years ago (pre my buying my first kindle, when they were more than $300) I went to Germany for two weeks in business. I brought 10 books with me. I hated the weight and as I schlepped my luggage to the hotel, I kept cursing myself that I should have just ponied up the bucks for one slim device. I was already schlepping a 10 lb computer…a few extra ounces would have been cake.

The reason I wouldn’t cough up the cash for the first Kindles was that they weren’t backlit and had no night reading option other than an actual lamp. Ok, it was more like a book. Great. But, to me, there was something wrong with having to buy an electronic device (a book light) for an electronic device (the Kindle), especially when looking at $400 all told. Put a tiny lightbulb at the top…something.

All the griping aside, the Kindle was a revolution. And I can’t imagine life without it.

Another reason I keep the ancient ereader is that it’s not backlit, so the battery will last days and days. Also, it’s not so hard on the eyes. I added a book light for night reading and I do fine with it. (My travel computer weighs about 2 pounds, so I have weight and space left for a few books. Although I always load up with more than I need — I’m working on that….)