
Lebo: Using 'Academic Freedom' to Keep God in the Science Classroom

Salamantis2/19/2009 9:16:51 pm PST

re: #459 Fried Spam

And exactly where do you see me saying that? I think that you are confusing me with someone else. I do not support teaching creationism in science, nor do I support teaching atheism in science.

The problem, though, is under our current system, there are no consequences for teaching atheism in science. This is at least in part why these ‘academic freedom’ proposals keep coming up.

As I asked early on, “How do we go about preventing that, while not going so far as these academic freedom initiatives?”

First, you can begin by being fucking honest and admitting that most of the complaints you hear about atheism being taught in public schools are really complaints about evolution being taught there after the local fundie preacher brainwashed the kids and/or their parents that evolution was godless fucking atheism.