
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

sattv4u22/21/2009 11:22:53 am PST

re: #418 janjan

After careful thought, i’m going against the tide here and giving this post an UPDING. Why? In college, I attended 2 “seances” (hey,, it was a Saturday night, no good parties on campus and I was in the middle of my 2nd 40 oz Miller High Life), If someone had told me there was an exorcism going on in a dorm, I would have been there instead!

NOW ,,,upding aside, the larger issue is for Jindal, who has higher political aspirations, to get out in front of this and assure the populace that his attendence there WAS just out of youthful curiosity. If he doesn’t, come 2012, the secularsist amongst others will have a feild day with him (and rightfully so)

as alwasys, IMHO