
Profile of a Pro-America Muslim Leader

elbruce8/22/2010 5:02:26 pm PDT

It might be worth a reminder at this point of the context of this diversion. It was in reference to Christians telling Muslims what Muslims’ “core beliefs” are. I was just pointing out that similar arguments could be used to enforce all sorts of silly beliefs on Christians as well, including many of those enforced on Muslims. Specific citations I’ve presented are just examples of where that line of arguent could go.

I think that most evangelical Christians would agree with the proposition that proper interpretation of the bible involves a certain amount of self-reflection, i.e. “searching your heart.” Scripture is like a mirror that you hold up to your own life and to the world around you for insight and guidance. But it provides only a relatively fuzzy picture, and it’s natural that people might disagree about what they see there.

As such, a nonbeliever such as myself simply isn’t equipped to tell you what you do or even should believe regarding your own religion. I lack the key component involved in proper scriptural interpretation, that being faith. I can talk about it in broad terms of historical theology and logic, but when it comes right down to it I’m not the one taking it all the way from text to persoanl practice. The concept of telling someone else what they believe is patently ridiculous on the face of it anyway.

Similarly, a Christian can’t tell a Muslim what he or she believes either.