
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

RogueOne3/22/2010 12:51:46 pm PDT

re: #549 Olsonist

Right. You’re not an independent. You’re a Republican.
Own it. Represent it. Say it.

That’s pretty rude.// Usually whoever the Libertarians put up in this district gets my vote other than in 2002 because of the war. My local state rep is a dem and he always gets my vote because he’s a good man, Bayh/Lugar are as moderate as their parties allow and almost interchangable but with Bayh making the wrong choices whoever they put up to run is going to take the brunt of it. I happen to like my governor for mulitiple reasons but mostly because he’s trying to drag a farm state into the 21st century over the howls of a shrinking farm population.

I don’t think most independents like me actually vote “for” someone, I think we usually vote “against” someone since we don’t have a lot of options.