
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

Jadespring5/04/2010 7:21:54 am PDT

re: #533 Aceofwhat?

Sadly, i think you’re right. The twisted logic which drives one to do such things probably doesn’t lend itself well to orderly philosophical musings…

Yep. Take as an example the group that has claimed responsibility for this, thankfully failed bomb attack. Regardless of whether they were or not, doesn’t matter. Some comments here have talked about how desperate they must be to take ownership over something that didn’t work, or why would anyone want to crow about something that failed.

Yep the killing part failed, but it was successful in disrupting, shutting down a major and world famous area, tons of news coverage, tons of regular people freaking out and lots and lots of people talking about it.

So the major goal was killing and maiming but some of the lesser goals which are are also satisfactory in their minds were accomplished. So yeah to some extent it was successful in their movable goal post world and something to crow about.