
Zimmerman Verdict: Not Guilty

goddamnedfrank7/13/2013 10:56:47 pm PDT

re: #539 krypto

Again I get to feel like I am reading a reply on Fox nation — spewing about “lying” because you disagree with some word or other.

You said “only eye witness,” after chiding others here about not knowing the evidence presented in court. Either you lied about following the trial or you lied about the number of witnesses. Pretentious asshat speaking from a position of deliberate ignorance or blatant confabulator, those are your choices.

I did not spend my days glued to the TV, and it is possible I missed something. I heard only one witness, a neighbor, who actually said he saw the fight itself. There were other “witnesses” but none as far as I recall who saw what that particular neighbor saw

In no rational world does that make Good the only eye witness. In no rational world does that excuse ignoring his massive credibility / impartiality problems.

The central point, which I stated correctly, and which you are ignoring to make accusations of “lying,” is that he testified that Martin was on top of Zimmerman. And then I heard the other facts I listed being presented as testimony.

No, you’re just cherry picking and misrepresenting the testimony, while totally pretending the other eye witnesses didn’t exist. Also, there was no “testimony that Zimmerman was a wimp and couldn’t fight.” The testimony was that he expressed an avid interest in learning how to fight but was assessed by others as physically soft and ineffectual. That testimony just as plausibly paints Zimmerman as a sniveling wannabe bully who felt the need for an edge, hence the gun.