
The Bob Cesca Podcast: President Shart

BeachDem6/05/2020 9:50:50 am PDT

re: #551 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Yeah I remember when Newt said that. They always were reminding people that Obama was somehow less of an American because of his father’s place of birth. And that’s something that still angers me thinking about it.

Let’s not forget that beacon of southern charm, Mike Huckabee (from 2011):

Huckabee Replaces N-word With ‘Mau-Mau’

That’s when Huckabee, to the surprise of most everyone, started squawking that President Obama grew up in Kenya, where he was influenced by his father’s and grandfathers’ anticolonial Mau-Mauism to despise the British Empire—and, by implication, all white power.

and where it all started:

All this garbage started last year with Dinesh D’Souza’s repulsive headliner for Forbes, which maintained that Obama’s “anti-business” policies could be explained only by his “Kenyan anti-colonialism.”

…But here’s a simpler theory: The right spews this bizarre “anticolonial” claptrap because it gives them a chance to say “Mau Mau,” which conjures a more fearsome threat than the N-word itself.