
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

avanti7/05/2009 9:48:05 pm PDT

re: #526 realwest

Would it be funny if we said -as many of us did, lets see your medical records, not just a one page letter from your doctor? Or how about let’s see your transcripts from Colombia because there’s this rumor going around that you didn’t graduate with honors which leads us to ask: how did you get into Harvard Law School? Let’s see your Harvard Law School transcripts to see how you earned your way on to Law Review and while we’re at it, could you please tell us what you did on the Law Review? You didn’t write any articles or notes - and from one Ivy League educated lawyer to another - you know that’s bizarre to say the least. Oh, and while you’re at it, could you please tell us how it came to be that you could afford to go to Columbia and Harvard?
Do you think those would be funny questions? There MUST be something wrong with them because the MSM never saw fit to ask ‘em in the first place.

Simple it was all a conspirancy laid out decades ago. He was admitted to Columbia and Harvard even though unqualified. His election to the law review was faked, as was his graduation with honors. All of this was done by leftists planning his election as POTUS some 25 years later, after Ayers wrote both his books. Worst of all, he was not a US citizen. /s