
Erick Erickson Shows Us Once Again How the Right Wing Really Thinks

Ming7/13/2013 6:50:10 pm PDT

I’m pro-choice, at least for the vast majority of the pregnancy, e.g. to week 24. “Safe, legal, and rare” seems like a reasonable goal in regard to abortion. And excellent access to sex education and contraception, to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

Now I must say I can appreciate the pro-life viewpoint. I don’t agree with it, because I just don’t think government can make it work, as evidenced by the literally millions of unsafe abortions in this country before Roe vs. Wade. But emotionally, I can relate to being pro-life. I would go so far as to say that abortion is one issue where I’m not totally certain of my own feelings.

So I was thinking about this whole issue recently. The last thing in the world that occurred to me was GLOATING (like Erick Erickson). I was thinking in terms of heartrending life situations and life decisions. The whole idea that for some people, this is about power over others, that they live to impose their theocratic views on others, simply was off the radar for me.

So, I was mildly stunned to read this post. I would have expected a comment from some well-known pro-life person like “OK, now, the unborn are protected. Their families will thank us someday.” Instead, I get “I win, you lose, I have power over you, you’re weak and powerless and you’ll probably hurt yourself very badly with a coat hangar.” Yes, as is often pointed out here at LGF, many of these right-wingers are really sick.