
FRC's Perkins brilliant plan - use Obamacare funds to bomb Syria

Targetpractice9/06/2013 4:09:33 pm PDT

re: #54 EPR-radar

I agree that if authorization does not pass, the no votes are likely to be bipartisan enough that both parties will own the result (assuming no stupid pet trick by the GOP like the Hastert rule).

Fine by me. This is a close call with good arguments to be made both for and against intervention. The best evidence available is put on the table, Congress votes, we move on. That’s how things are supposed to work.

I disagree that events so far show some unusual blunder or clusterfuck by the Obama administration.

Obama would have blundered, IMO, if he had gone in without seeking authorization. Clusterfuck territory would be entered if Obama intervenes even after a vote in Congress against intervention.

The passive-aggressive “critics” are whining both that Obama didn’t go to war when he already has forces at the ready and that he didn’t go seeking authorization sooner. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.