
Stephen Colbert on Iowa's Gun Permits for the Blind

EPR-radar9/10/2013 3:45:00 pm PDT

Distinctly less wonderful is this:

After a lengthy interview with Jan Markell about President Obama’s supposed push for an Islamic caliphate, Michele Bachmann spoke to the Christian Right radio host about the 2016 presidential election, immigration reform and the Last Days.

Bachmann pushed back on Markell’s fear that Hillary Clinton will be elected president: “I don’t at all because I look at the story of David and Goliath, all David needed was one smooth stone to fell the giant. It wasn’t the stone, it wasn’t David, it was the strong right arm of a Holy God.”

She said that if “we repent, if we cry out to God, we have no idea what the Lord God will do for us in 2016.”

Bachmann then explained how she sees the “signs of the times.”

“We are in times that are unprecedented,” Bachmann said. “These are the times of birth pangs, we’re seeing the intensity of age and the speed and rapidity that these events are starting to speed up so fast that we can hardly get our minds about it.”

Marell lamented “that many are heartbroken because we’ve watched this wonderful country of ours just tank more and more and more because of this secular humanist, hardcore, atheistic, left who is hell bent on socialism for America.”