
Did Obama "Suggest Mandatory Voting?" A: No.

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing3/20/2015 11:25:57 am PDT

So in addition to the anti-vaxxers angle on autism, now they’re trying to grift on the diet angle:
Autism-Busting Paleo Book for Babies Pulled Because It Will Kill Them

Here’s some news that might come as a big surprise to you: A baby cookbook book called Bubba Yum Yum written by a TV chef, a mommy blogger and a naturopath may not be as safe as previously thought. Sure, it might stop your baby from developing autism, but only because your baby will be dead. (Better dead than neuroatypical, though, right?) (Wasn’t that the anti-communist slogan back in the 50s?)

Wonkette reports that the book, which was already written and ready for publication, has been shelved forever due to safety concerns. Australian TV Chef Pete Evans and his co-authors first raised red flags when they suggested that instead of feeding a baby formula, which has “too many chemicals,” parents should create their own baby food from “chicken liver and bone broth,” which sounds delicious, but holds more than ten times the maximum Vitamin A that a baby can take, making it a toxic concoction that would likely hurt one’s baby. But hey, at least the child wouldn’t be autistic, right? That would be horrible.

Fortunate that the book won’t be printed, at least in this format.