
Saturday Jam: Bill Laurance, "Prologue: Fjords"

Eclectic Cyborg3/19/2016 9:51:00 am PDT

re: #48 SoundGuy 2016

I thought this was a parody site, but oh no: LIONGUARD

Wow the comments…

“If you care about issues facing our Great Country like the UN’s Agenda 21, the seeding of the upper atmosphere with hormones and aerosols, the plans to put US citizens in concentration camps to make room for immigrants, and the general transformation of the office of presidency into Apologizer in Chief, then you should stand with us and scream MAGA into the wind! If not, you’re a coward and low energy Dumbocrat who doesn’t give a SHI!T about this Country. You can unnimbly navigate your way right to Canada, you commie.”