
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Adults in the Room

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines8/18/2020 5:53:33 pm PDT

A rare non-lethal Darwin. Btw, these demented-even-by-NRA-standards mooks do this “to own the libs.”

Gun Enthusiasts Celebrate Man Who Shot Himself in the Balls as Their King

Back in May, we wrote about a group of gun enthusiasts who love taking pictures of loaded weapons pointed at their dicks. On a long enough timeline, one of them was inevitably going to accidentally discharge their weapon, and on Tuesday, that appears to be exactly what happened to one member in the San Diego area.

A member of a Facebook group dedicated to taking pictures of loaded weapons pointed at dicks finally shot himself in the balls, according to bloody pictures and video he posted on social media and the Imperial County Sheriff’s Office, which confirmed the incident to Motherboard. Rather than step back and start questioning whether the practice is wise, the group made him an administrator and are now celebrating him as their king.

May this become a viral competition among wingnuts, the “Gonad Gone Challenge.”

Addendum: Note that King Crotchblaster was using an M-1911 .45ACP. I have had M-1911s for over 50 years and I promise that I have NEVER pointed one at my, er, uh, vitals, let alone while it was loaded and with the safety off, which is what these loons do.