
A Great Rant From Trevor Noah: Abortion Rights Under Siege as Roe v. Wade Overturned

EPR-radar6/28/2022 2:40:02 am PDT

re: #55 Teukka

And if I recall correctly, conservative-leaning people also did eugenics, in a way which makes mere information and distributing contraceptives look benign in comparison…

Naturally. IIRC there was a particularly nasty set of forced sterilization cases in the US, nearly all of which were from the Jim Crow South (can’t think why).

Right wingers caterwauling about Sanger being a eugenics fan is just more of their lying bullshit — for starters, it’s not as if the right has lost its attachment to eugenics, since eugenics and white supremacy have so often been synonyms.