
Wild New Music Video From Elise Trouw: "Man Invisible"

TedStriker8/30/2022 7:08:29 pm PDT

re: #47 darthstar

Also, Windows 10S is a piece of shit. I tried to install two programs and both times it told me I had to go to Windows Store to install software - only Windows Store is unreachable. I still did dual boot because I really don’t need all 64 gb for Linux. 50 is plenty. The 256 is for storing pictures of my dogs and music and shit.

Yeah, Win10S is crippled on purpose and is really only suitable on a machine that needs to be locked down, like a kid’s machine, but it ends up installed in the lowest-cost Windows machines (usually the low-end laptops and tablets from Walmart and such) because the OEM licenses from Microsoft are much less expensive than even the Home versions.

I feel for you…