
Another Gloriously Bizarre AI Video From Bob Schneider: "The Human Torch"

Jay C12/27/2023 8:58:03 pm PST

re: #45 Romantic Heretic

First ‘right leaning libertarian’ reads like ‘authoritarian anarchist’ to me. An utter contradiction that can’t be balanced in any way. But let’s face it, the ‘libertarian’ is just to cover for the ‘authoritarian’. To make it sound like her authoritarian beliefs actually have something to do with ‘liberty’. And ‘liberty’ is a concept most people don’t understand and don’t like when they do because liberty gets in the way of power.

Which leads to her surprise about the reaction to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. She so obviously lives in a Wolkenkuckucksheim, cloud cuckoo land, that she couldn’t imagine the result. Which surprised no one that didn’t live in Narnia or Middle Earth.

I’m betting she has more than a few letters after her name. Which demonstrates education and good sense are unrelated.

I’ve been reading Megan McArdle’s stuff for a long time, and her basic shtick hasn’t changed much: basically right-wing boilerplate tricked out with enough of the glitter-and-tinsel of “libertarianism” to (nominally) differentiate itself from the rude vulgarisms of, say, a Charlie Kirk or Jack Posobiec. And of course, all from a safe, “respectable” chair at the WaPo….

But I notice even Megan’s “confession of error” here seems to focus mainly on “polling” and “opinion” factors, and tries to deflect away from what (IMO) is the main issue with the post-Dobbs political landscape: i.e. that the “pro-life” lobby is hellbent on instituting a system of extreme restrictions on women, womens’ health issues, and reproductive choices in general (and on the healthcare system as well), that are anything but “libertarian” ….