
Shocka! NOW Decries 'Honor Killing'

lawhawk2/17/2009 10:35:53 am PST

I’m glad that the media is starting to pick apart this story. It’s about time.

Hassan got Saudi money for his agitprop venture (and has since been shut down). He killed his wife and beheaded her - a most brutal way to murder someone. She was hoping to divorce him, and there had been domestic violence allegations. The media coverage that has been out there has been bending over backwards to avoid any mention of the honor killing/Islamic law on which this brutal murder likely took place.

It was most likely a honor killing in this case because she didn’t want to go along with whatever it was he was doing. That’s a no-no. If you disobey your husband, you’re opening yourself up to a beat-down. If you violate the man’s honor, you can end up quite dead.

And some other women’s group gets the whole concept of honor killing wrong. They think that those who engage in such acts are dishonorable, ignoring that if the Koran dictates it, they must comply - apostasy awaits those who try to alter the word of the Koran.

More here.