
Parker: GOP Must 'Drive a Stake Through the Heart of Old Dixie'

cronus8/05/2009 11:34:07 am PDT

If I was a southerner I’d be beside myself with frustration over this. The kind of narrative Parker is pimping helps cloud a more important story about the south. That it is benefiting from an economic realignment and is stealing jobs from the more “enlightened” regions of the country. This is happening because it simply has better economic policies (tax incentives, right to work, etc.) as a result of electing R’s and pro-biz D’s.

This embracing of birtherism, creationism whatever gives northerners an excuse to shit all over the entire region. But it will require the leadership of southern politicians to set the narrative straight. The problem is that most of them seem to be the most enthusiastic cheerleaders of nonsense.

Despite all this I’d sure rather be living in North Carolina than Michigan.