
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

Nimed5/03/2010 10:35:58 pm PDT

re: #21 yenta-fada

The fact that this jihadi was “not a genius” sounds like a psychological mechanism to diffuse fear. So what that this man wasn’t successful. You might be smarter to recognize how easy it is to be a jihadi in the Western world. You have internet sites to inspire and teach you, tame media to act like it’s no big deal, and “officials” to point out that the attack was “unsuccessful”. I’m not saying that everyone needs to live in fear. However, everyone needs to understand the dangers of radical Islam. This fact is downplayed by the government, including the last one in power. We are vulnerable and the more that concerned citizens (one who recently notified the police when seeing the smoke coming out of the SUV) learn to identify the enemy and react, the safer we will all be.
The message is; use your eyes, ears, mouth, and the brains that God gave you to identify predators instead of making fun of the slow ones.

This may sound hubristic to you, but I’m not very concerned with another terrorist strike, even a successful one. I’m much more worried about people going apeshit - again - with all the risks that entails: another gigantic blunder like the Iraq war, even more liberties curtailed, etc, etc.

I really wish the American people would get used to the idea that we are likely to suffer another successful terrorist attack. If we don’t make a big deal out of it, we basically take away the only weapon they have.