
Overnight Open Thread

Orange Impostor8/12/2010 4:15:34 am PDT

One of the latest talking points regarding the immigration debate is the insane talking point that Texas Congressman Louie Gomert started recently regarding “terror babies” -that pregnant women are coming as tourists to have a baby and then returning to their native country, “with the nefarious purpose of turning them into little terrorists who will then come back to the U.S. and do us harm.”

The last part of the quote above comes from Texas state Legislator Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball), who is one of the local mouthpieces on this lunacy. She was on CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night to be interviewed about her claims that former FBI agents told her office about this supposed plot. Cooper obviously requested some sort of evidence to back up this nutty claim. Riddle not only wouldn’t back up her claims, but when pressed, tried to change the focus of the conversation to the evils of “anchor babies”.

Here’s the video of the last night’s conversation: