
Gallup: GOP Appears Poised to Win Big

lawhawk11/01/2010 11:03:13 am PDT

The GOP will likely win in a big way tomorrow in the House, and may close the gap in the Senate, and they’ll think that they won a mandate to do whatever they think their constituents thought they should do.

That’s when the rubber meets the road and these new members of Congress will realize that they can’t deliver on their promises. They wont be able to repeal HCR. They wont be able to do a whole lot of the things they want.

They will be able to shift away at the margins, but that’s not going to be sufficient to the TP types who demand change regardless of the fact that simply isn’t how our government works (separation of powers, balance of powers, checks and balances).

They might run a couple of big ticket items out there to satisfy the base - maybe running out the impeachment stuff, but that will turn off the same folks who they will need to win over in 2012 - the moderates and independents who went for Obama in 2008. The House might serve up articles of impeachment, but the Senate wont take action (pretty much mirroring what the Democrats did in 2008 with Bush - in the end sound and fury signifying not much and even less results). The Senate leadership will have a much easier time of it than whoever ends up being Speaker in the House - it will make herding cats look like a walk in the park.

And by the time 2012 rolls around, those TPers who got elected will themselves have to justify their own reelection to the same folks who sent them there in the first place promising change. They too might find themselves out of office.