
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Killgore Trout11/09/2010 2:55:02 pm PST

re: #53 freetoken

Since we’re covering famous idiots today… Esther just doesn’t want to stay out of the news cycle:

Cookiegate: Sarah Palin Takes on ‘Nanny State’ Nutrition Guidelines

Waiting for her to take on the crime of forced fluoridation.

from the article….

Yesterday Palin tweeted that, in addition to her fundraising power, she “may bring cookies” to the Plumstead Christian School to protest the guidelines.

“Hmm…may bring cookies to my PA school speech tmrw to make a pt ‘PA mulls ban on cake/cookies/candy@ school parties,’” Palin posted, linking to an article from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review about the guidelines.

Kinda reminds me of conservatives wasting electricity on earth day. I don’t think the fat kids need more cookies.