
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Stands by Her Fanatical Right Wing 'Pledge'

researchok7/09/2011 4:32:31 pm PDT

Most of the GOP candidates are not even remotely credible. They will hitch their wagons to the Tea Party for as long as they believe that affiliation will deliver votes. The Tea Party itself has been taken over by nut jobs, religious whackos and other assorted dysfunctionals.

As the Tea Party fades into well deserved oblivion (and they are already losing influence), the GOP will find a new crop of candidates to replace the current decomposing and rotting leadership. If they don’t, they will keep on losing elections.

Given the state of the party today, that’s OK with this right of center ideologue.

Besides, I like Obama. I don’t agree with everything he’s done- far from it- but nobody bats 1000. Not even him. Overall though, He’s come through where it counts most, national security.

There was a time you needed armies to bring havoc to a nation. Today, all you need is a nut job with access to a bathtub, a wooden spoon and some chemicals. So far, so good.

The economy is in tank. Some of it is his fault some of it isn’t. From where I sit, Obama has been given some really bad advice. The guy is smart- very smart. If he’s making bad decisions, I’m more likely to blame his advisers at this point. He is starting to come around, though. He’s on the Clinton Plan- no more lipstick on the pigs.

In any event, I’d worry a whole lot more if he lost the next election.