
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime Suspect Arrested in Oregon: 'Christians Can Jihad Too'

lostlakehiker8/25/2011 3:13:48 pm PDT

re: #50 albusteve

it works fine in the context of the question…they cannot be allowed to be put together and launched…if they do the West has failed

Preemptive nuclear strike on the presumed location of the nukes? This is playing with fire. Things have a tendency to not go according to plan.

Even the bin Laden raid encountered some mischances, and we lost whatever secrecy we had about our new stealth copters. There’s just no way to be even halfway sure of success with such an effort. The other side, after all, will have gone to every effort to make its force de frappe secure against any first strike.

Maybe if we offered to take them off Pakistan’s hands and demolish them, and pay them handsomely? And guarantee Pakistan against Indian attack? Or to take them off both sides’ hands and pay both handsomely?

Perhaps there is a sum so princely that the offer would be accepted. Are we all going to kick in, oh, say, six months’ salary? It might take a LOT of money.