
Religious Right Rallies for Missouri Caveman Todd Akin

No Malarkey!8/23/2012 12:26:36 pm PDT

re: #32 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Romney is going to spend the entire convention kowtowing to the conservative right elements and convincing them that his administration will be their’s; lock, stock, and barrel.

The real question is this - If Romney wins, is his administration truly simply the rightwing lapdog he told them it is, or is it simply a business-friendly one that will throw the religious right social agenda under the bus at the first opportune moment like St Reagan did?

Reagan didn’t have to deal with a Congress full of angry teabaggers. If elected, Romney will have a problem. He will slash taxes on the rich because that is always the GOP’s #1 priority. But he will then be faced with either deficits exploding toward the $2 trillion dollar level or shredding extremely popular federal programs. I predict if Romney is elected he will go with exploding deficits and blame them on Obama.